Another Successful Test!
On 6/21/2020, the entire Wave Motion team got together for a field test for the first time and headed out to [REDACTED], a nice spot we’ve been using as a test site. After one failure to ignite, a second attempt was successful in launching one of our prototype sabots nearly 200 feet into the air..or rather most of it.
The most valuable lesson we learned from this test is the need for greater structural integrity for the sabot to survive launch. From the video footage an estimated velocity of 200 meters per second was attained by the rapidly fragmenting sabot. The shot was performed with less than 50% the maximum safe capacity for the pressure vessel and sounds as if it’s suffering from a squeaky leak at ignition. Between amping up the pressure, keeping it in, and using a sabot that survives acceleration without being blown to smithereens, there’s plenty of room to go faster and faster!