Hi-Ho Silver! Hypersonics started!
Wave Motion has begun construction of a new prototype jet-gun - this time, one designed to send projectiles up to Mach 5, the lowest speed at which a vehicle becomes “hypersonic.”
The components in the picture, fabricated by our CEO and Chief Engineer Finn Van Donkelaar, will be used in this new prototype which will be aptly named “Hi-Ho Silver!" Why? because 1) this prototype will be shiny and new, wait until you see it 2) Silver is more valuable than Iron, and we’re moving on up in the world 3) it will be lighter, slicker, and faster than any previously produced jet-gun. You won’t have time to say “Hi-Ho Silver, AWAY!” before something goes flying into the sunset from this thing. Stay tuned if you’re as excited for the first test fire as we are!